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 LSA College Division



The mission of the loyd sports academy college division is to provide the highest caliber of basketball education and training for those students who graduate from our pre college division and newly interested highschool students interested in joing  our LSA College Division. The College Division is for advanced high school basketball players that are passionate and  gifted. Loyd Sports Academies disciplines and teaching methodologies span across the country. 





After years of training and playing at the highest levels of competition Loyd Sports Academy has developed Combines and small group workouts that are tested and create the final steps to an athlete realizing  their goals for their season. LSA Athletes’ Performance division is dedicated to supporting  athletes with world-class integrated performance training,  basketball skills development, nutrition, and rehabilitation  services to support their goals during this critical time in their development. In addition to performance training, athletes will have the opportunity to enhance their on-court  basketball skills through individual and group skill development sessions led by Jarryd Loyd. From on the court, to off the court, LSA Performance’s Combine and  Pre-season, In Season, and Offseason training programs offer everything an athlete needs to reach their goals of  playing at their peak performance levels.


System for Success

LSA utilizes training systems that have supported champions across sports and around the world. These systems, which continually evolve based on the most innovative and cutting-edge training techniques, are the foundation of our athletes success at the highest levels. They allow each athlete to train with confidence knowing that they'll have the tools needed to achieve their greatest results during their seasons and during individual workouts.


Individualized Training for Individual Goals

To get maximum results, each athlete receives individual skills development coaching and performance training to meet their specific needs and goals. Working with Jarryd Loyd, athletes will have dedicated on-court sessions to enhance their basketball abilities and address areas of improvement before showcasing their skills to Highschool and College Coaches. Training with LSA Athletes Performance division, athletes will work on improving strength, speed, and power, with a focus on  improving areas tested during the High School and College Season, and areas to make them a better overall athlete on the court.


We are a TEAM

In the same way that coaches and staff work together to help a Highschool or College team succeed, our job as specialists are dedicated to working together to help our athletes reach their goals. By utilizing a team approach, our coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and other specialists are in constant communication to ensure that each athlete's individual plan is being met to help them succeed.



To achieve our mission of excellence, LSA has identified six goals:

  • LSA will identify and attract the most talented young performing students from around the world and will strive to ensure that financial considerations are not a deterrent to their basketball enrollment.

  • LSA will provide an educational environment that fosters maximum potential 

  • LSA will continue to elevate its educational and creative standards, remaining responsive to changing conditions 

  • LSA will continue to attract and retain the best staff and disciplines

  • LSA will continue to build community 

  • LSA will take an active role in shaping the future of youth and highschool basketball by providing exemplary consulting education programs to the community and encouraging its students to serve as advocates 


How To Register & Apply:



STEP 1) Read the Term & Conditions


STEP 2) Fill out the contact form




Track Record of our  College Division ( 9th-12th grade)
16 Division 1 Players Mentored and Trained
     7 Jr. Olympians
     Average GPA of all students in the program 3.4
      3 Mcdonalds All Americans
   Schools Attended by Our students:
                      Illinois, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, Loyola, Purdue, Northwestern, Depaul, Iowa, Marquette,                                   Louisville, Wisconsin, Dartmouth , Butler
   Gold Medals won: 2


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